The Wayback Machine -
analytics tracking

Low budget
Do it Yourself
Networks and Algorithms

New Publishing

New Publishing

X - research and cooperative making lab.

Technological innovation
Social innovation
Digital storytelling



Y - research and cooperative making lab.

X and Y - Two variables in search of identity

X and Y are two workshops imprinted on new technologies and self-productions, the topics are: "new publishing" and "videomhacking", respectively. The labs, both free, will coexist in the baronial castle of Castrignano de’ Greci for the duration of two weeks. To partecipate, you must send your application through the form online. - We chose these themes because we want to analyze with you the meaning of “publishing” or “telling a story” through the video nowadays.

"New publishing" is a research area that push through the processing design, the crisis with the consequent scarcity of resources, self-publishing and digital and analog craft and the awareness of the central role of networks in our existence. The decision to use the English word "publishing" instead of the Italian "editor" is dictated by the fact that the Anglophone word retains a sense inherent the act of publication, the process through which publishing is made.

"Videomhacking", a neologism which describe the interaction between hacking, technological innovation and digital storytelling aimed to transform the way we tell stories through the video.

X lab is a project by FF3300, a design and strategy company based in Bari and Pazlab a creative studio based in Lecce; Y lab is a project by Inuit, an association based in Bari and Dinamo Film a film production company based in Bari.


9.30 / 10.30
“IT literacy" teaching of the programming languages used during the labs: processing, javascript, assembler.

10.30 / 13.00
Research and co-planning lab where participants, teachers and tutors work together on 3+3 different tables

13.00 / 14.30
Lunch break

14.30 / 15.30
Lecture on a specific topic by a teacher or a tutor who alternate in this afternoon space

15.30 / 18.00
Research and co-planning lab where participants, teachers and tutors work together on 3+3 different tables

- Participants (30 + 30) will split in 3 + 3 research/project tables, each coordinated by 1-2 tutors.

- Lectures (kept every day from 2 to 3 pm) will be open to everybody and available on streaming on the website

Once the workshops are over, a press conference will take place to show the reached goals.

Who are we looking for?

Designers, makers and hackers in the publishing (digital and traditional) and video (cinema,tv,web) field.

Students and professionals about cinema, writing, script-writing or storytelling, informatics, interaction design. WANNABE "video" and "book" hackers. Digital artisans. Innovators. Pirates.

Teachers and Tutors


Salvatore Iaconesi
is an interaction designer, robotics engineer, artist, hacker. TED Fellow 2012, Eisenhower Fellow since 2013 and Yale World Fellow 2014. He currently teaches Interaction Design and cross-media practices at the Faculty of Architecture of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, at ISIA Design Florence, at the Rome University of Fine Arts and at the IED Design institute

Oriana Persico
holds a degree in Communication Sciences, is an expert in participatory policies and digital inclusion. She is an artist and writer. She has worked together with national governments and the European Union to the creation of best practices, standards and researches in the areas of digital rights, social and technological innovation, Digital Business Ecosystems (DBE), practices for participation and knowledge sharing

Alessio Erioli
Engineer and Senior Researcher at Università di Bologna where he also teaches Architectural Design, MArch in Biodigital Architecture, PhD in Engineering, co-founder and designer at Co-de-iT ( His interests interweave teaching & design ecologies in computational design focusing on the relations among matter, agency and aesthetics: Agent-Based simulation of Complex Adaptive Systems in architecture coupled with form-finding strategies.

Mauro Bubbico
designer and teacher at ISIA of Urbino, among the leading experts in communications in Italy

Leonardo Romei
Lecturer of Semiotics and member of the Academic senate at Isia of Urbino; co-founder of the communication design studio QZR. He received the PhD in Communication sciences from the Sapienza University of Rome and worked in the ESCoM – Cognitive semiotics and new medias team at FMSH in Paris

Salvatore Zingale
is a researcher in the Department of Design of the Polytechnic University of Milan, where he teaches Semiotics of Design at the School of Design. He is the scientific coordinator of the research project “HumanitiesDesign Lab” of the Department of Design of the Polytechnic University of Milan.

Silvio Lorusso
artist and designer. His ongoing PhD research in Design Sciences at Iuav University of Venice is focused on the intersections between publishing and digital technology from the perspective of art and design. Since 2013, he manages the Post-Digital Publishing Archive

Eugenio Battaglia
biohacker with the BioPeers collective and student in molecular biotechnology with a internship specialization in behavioral and affective neuroscience. He’s consultant at Leukippos Institute and CytoComp (syntethic biology)

Alessio D'Ellena
works in the field of anarchic type-design, digital serendipity, inappropriate tools development and parametric typography. He is a graphic designer based in Milan, illustrator for Corraini Edizioni and professor in type design @ A.A.B.B.—Urbino

Emilio Macchia
graphic designer and researcher, former participant at the JvE Academie, Maastricht. Curator of “Fahrenheit 39” since 2011

Antonio Vergari
analyst and informatics, a.i. and automatic learning system expert from Politecnico di Bari

Danilo di Cuia
creative technologist with a background in graphic design and a focus in human-computer interaction. He worked for clients such as ITV, Google and BBC.

Jacopo Pompilii
visual designer, attending a master’s degree in Communication Design at POLIMI. His bachelor final thesis at ISIA Urbino — Iperlibro (Hyperbook) — focused on digital publishing and new reading experiences specifically designed for new digital media


Marcus Ströbel
software developer, contributor of Magic Lantern

Cosimo Bizzarri
storyteller and journalist, he’s currently working as the executive editor of COLORS Magazine and as a tutor at the Design faculty of the San Marino University

Gianpaolo D'Amico
PhD in Computer Science at the University of Florence, is freelance creative technologist for digital media and founder of the blog sounDesign

Paolo Patelli
PhD candidate at Politecnico di Milano, researches and designs between architecture, media technologies and public spheres

Giacomo Leonzi
has a degree in Science, and he currently works as a developer and interaction designer around the world

Nicholas Caporusso
researcher in the field of human computer interaction, and hospital risk management, CEO at QIRIS

Michelantonio Trizio
information engineer, hacker and enterpreneur, CTO ad QIRIS

Luiz Romero
Journalist, infographist and screenwriter from São Paulo, Brazil. Writer at COLORS magazine and fellow at Fabrica research center. Collaborator for Superinteressante magazine

Lea Dicursi
video-maker, video-editor and producer based in Barcellona. She had worked for Benetton, Colors Magazine and Fabrica

Matteo Bencini
interactive and web designer at Lcd s.r.l. in Florence

Ruggero Castagnola
IxD and Creative Technologist. Iuav graduate, currently research fellow at PoliMi

Giuditta Vendrame
designer and currently enrolled in Social Design Master at Design Academy Eindhoven


We’ll share with participants method and technologies that could make production segments already existent more efficient by reducing production costs, by stimulating the self as a form of self-employment and by developing dhybri design capabilities, outcome of contamination between different professions, thus opening up a world of opportunities.


Both labs will take place in the Baronial Castle of Castrignano de’ Greci (LE) from July 17th to the 31st. To partecipate to X or Y you must fill out the application form no later than the 00:01 of the 3/07/2014, attaching your cv (compulsory) and portfolio* (if you have one). For both labs there are no tuition fees and anyone is welcome to apply. If the number of request would overcome the aviability, 30 participants will be selected for each lab, according to their consistency with the areas of research. The list of the admitted students, who’ll be however individually contacted through the email specified in the application form, will be published on this website by the 3/07/2014.

- We’ll grant to the selected students a rent solution in Castrignano de’Greci for about 15€ at night (for 15 nights). We’ll provide more information about this solution as soon as selections will be finalized.

A good knowledge of English is required.

Every file which certify or prove the experiences acquired in your own interest field: design, information technology, video, publishing, making, hacking, script writing, self-production, etc.


The hamlet of Castrignano de’ Greci is about 20 km far from the sea. Its location make it an ideal base to explore the Salento area.

Castrignano is a very small hamlet, the castle is set downtown and it’s possibe to easily move on foot or by bicycle.


To request information, you are welcome to contact us at: "info [@] xylab • org"

Project manager X lab:
Alessandro Tartaglia
+39 340 081 63 52

Project manager Y lab:
Alessandro Balena
+39 380 37 97 188

Support XYLAB


Report X 2013

The 2013 edition gallery about "X - a variable hunts for identity".

Video of 2013 edition