L a S c u o l a O p e n S o u r c e
You can choose - by checking the boxes below - to leave a free donation or to direct it on one of SOS thematic areas:
☛ X: communication design - composition theory - illustration - photography - typography - etc.
☛ Y: hardware and software tools - making - programmed electronics - coding - iot - prototyping - etc.
☛ Z: process & service design - governance - community development - sociology - etc.
That’s why everything we’ll collect will be used to allow those who request it to develop skills useful for themselves and for others.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
☛ Anyone can apply for a scholarship.
How can one apply for a scholarship?
☛ Write an email to borse@lascuolaopensource.xyz indicating name, surname, course/workshop , motivation for which the scholarship is requested, attaching your CV (or portfolio).
What are the criteria for the assignment?
☆ budget availability at the time of request;
☆ feasibility of the course indicated in the request;
☆ motivation stated in the request;